Pacific Life Design System

Creating an enterprise design system from the ground up.


For years, Pacific Life’s decentralized model has resulted in a disconnected customer experience.

As the senior design lead for the new design system workstream, I took the initiative to develop a new team solely dedicated to uniting a broken visual system.

How might we align a divided enterprise model through a design system to deliver consistent customer experiences?


We performed an in-depth design audit of all customer-facing platforms, both marketing and product-related.

My role and responsibilities:

  • Senior UX Team Lead

  • Project Roadmap

  • UX Design Research

  • Team structure + cadence

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Instead of tackling everything at once, we tested our approach starting with a fundamental core of any design system: color.

We collected all known documentation across the enterprise relating to color. We found that the majority of documentation lived in stagnant .pdf style guides; so when changes were proposed or even implemented, the documentation itself was disjointed and incohesive.

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Keeping stakeholder concerns in mind, our new approach leveraged the assets we already had.

Based on an approved brand asset (the Pacific Life logo), we generated a fully accessible range of color variants for product design.

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With a solid foundation and design rationale in place, we were able to begin researching and developing consistent components.

Leveraging in-flight projects across the enterprise, I led our team through a series of workshops to formalize our design system process and structure.

Snapshot of in-progress component development

Snapshot of in-progress component development

Want to learn more about this project?

Contact me at to schedule a conversation.


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